I had this post idea from Kate La Vie, She's really inspired me for photograph, lifestyle, blogpost & also for other things too. Basically I want to set my goals for every month to make myself more productive & organize.
I am personally sometimes so organize & sometimes I am super lazy for doing everything. So it's depend on my mood.
So my (1st) goal is being organize everyday, even tho when I am so lazy I need to kick my self to do it. Because usually after I did it, I felt good & glad that I did it. So this time I want to make myself to do it more & consistence on organizing what I need to do.
(2nd) goal is I want to being consistence for my blog post. I just want to take it more seriously, since it is my passion to share what I love. So for you who read my blog if you have any blog post idea that you want to see or read, please kindly let me know. It mean so much for me.
(3rd/Last) goal is eat/drink healthy. Some of you may think it's easy but in these days we have all the unhealthy snacks & lots of caffein drink that bad for your health but sometimes you can't live without it. Long story short basically I want to live my life more healthier. Drink water more, eat healthy snacks (like fruits, seaweed & etc) for future myself. I just thought that I need to start healthy lifestyle right now, when I am still young so I don't regret it when I am more older. So if you have recommendation for healthy snacks please let me know too :)
For this month I make a deep point about consistency, that make me "HAPPY"in the end of the day. I think we need to set the goals to make ourself productive & also fun to do it. even tho sometimes I am being lazy, I hope this goals will kick myself in a good way & make me feels good inside & out.
Have nice day :)
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